Privacy Policy | OnePlay

Privacy Policy

Last updated: 02 February 2023

When you sign up with OnePlay to utilize our services, we are explicitly or inadvertently bound to come across many details about you as our user. Your data and information is yours and we try our best not to obtain or retain anything which is not required. However, the information which we must nevertheless obtain, collect and/or retain, it is important for us to give full disclosure and obtain active consent for the same from you. OnePlay collects information about you when you create a User Account, Purchase a Subscription, and/or use our Service in general even as a guest, while browsing through our website. Our Privacy Policy applies to all Users who use our Service and pertains to all the data and information, whether it is Sensitive Personal Data/ Information, or, even if it's just Personal Information. However, it is important to understand that the privacy policy and protection under it does not extend to any information which is already within the public domain.

It is further important to note that while this Privacy Policy explicitly covers your interaction with OnePlay and how your data and information is processed and protected by us, you may however connect your account with certain third party websites/apps who may collect your Personal Information themselves independently. Please understand that such collection would be entirely dependent on your agreement with the respective third parties’ Privacy policy. These applications may store your personal information for various legal and business purposes. You may choose to share your Personal Information with them or not. How you interact with any third party is entirely between you and the concerned entity, and is in no way related to our liabilities and responsibilities of data privacy and protection of your OnePlay account you maintain with us. We would request you to ensure that you read their respective privacy policy before interacting with them.

Terms used with a capital letter are defined in our Terms of Use, and we expect you to go through them for better understanding and clarity. Please NOTE usage of any portion of our Website implies your express consent and agreement to this Policy.


4.1 When you register a OnePlay account with us, you will need to provide us:

4.1.1 Your username used to identify yourself in any of services provided by us;

4.1.2 Your name, email address, and phone number used to identify yourself in any of services provided by us;

4.1.3 Password (which is encrypted during transmission so that we don’t have access to the phrase itself);

4.1.4 Any other data, which you supply us during the course of utilizing our services;

These sets of information are necessary for us in order to provide you with your OnePlay account requested by you. In your OnePlay profile settings you can also set your password. This information will be protected by your OnePlay account password. You are responsible for keeping it safe.

4.2 When you use OnePlay services we may also collect the following information:

4.2.1 Technical specs and details about devices which you use to access OnePlay services, including: Internet and/or network connection (including your IP address); mobile device identifiers; your operating system, browser type or other software; your hardware details; or other technical details provided by your web browser. This is technical data about our users which help us provide you with a smooth and optimized experience to you as our end user, and helps us in feedback by observing actions and patterns. These information and data do not provide any personal information to us and are not linked or traceable in the nature of being user-specific;

4.2.2 Details of your use of OnePlay services including, but not limited to: metrics information and usage logs about when and how you use OnePlay services (such as what game(s) you are playing, your current status, your interactions with others); traffic data; your geographical location; your purchase history; emails received; and links accessed; your preferences and choices such as subscriptions, preferred language and currency; your communication via chat, game reviews, published posts on forum and other OnePlay Services;

4.2.3 Miscellaneous information required in order to help you with any queries/support you may need assistance with via the OnePlay forums or customer support, including communications with you; ticket numbers or reference numbers, etc.;

4.2.4 Any other information which may be mandated under law to be collected, for the time being in force, or, is mandatory for provision of OnePlay services to you.

While signing up for creating your OnePlay account, you are prompted to provide details on our webform. We have clearly highlighted fields which are mandatory or optional. By proceeding to provide us with this information, you thereby agree with their disclosure and retention by OnePlay. In case you refuse to provide your information, or deny consent for the usage of the information provided, or later withdraw your consent, OnePlay may choose to discontinue or deny the access to features for which the information was collected.

Please note, that any discussions, comments, messages, blogs posts etc. posted by you on the public sections of the apps/website is considered as published content, and is not considered personal information subject to this Privacy Policy. You may request that such information be taken down and, we may attempt to remove any such information if it is technically feasible to do so and as per the applicable laws.


5.1.1 Mergers or acquisitions: In a scenario where we or our assets are merged or acquired by the other business entity, or during restructuring of business or re-organization, we may have to share information provided by you with the other business entities. Rest assured, if such a transaction occurs the other business entity or the newly combined business entity would be required to follow this Privacy Policy.

5.1.2 Partners: we may engage a number of vendors, consultants, contractors and take support of other companies or affiliates (hereon referred to as our Partners). Our Partners may provide a host of services including contact information verification, payment processing, customer service, website hosting, data analysis, infrastructure provision, IT services, and other similar services. These Partners play a key role in seamless delivery of our products and services to you. These Partners and their employees operate under a contract and strict security & confidentiality restrictions. We may provide our partners access to your information through our systems or may share your Personal Information with them to enable them to provide their services to you. These disclosures will be documented with us and shall be handled with the same level of protection as you might expect from OnePlay.

5.1.3 Customer Initiated Sharing: Whenever you request us to share your information with a third party website or application (for example, login to a third party using your OnePlay ID), we will provide a fresh notice and obtain consent from you regarding the details of the information that will be shared, before sharing the same. In such a case, OnePlay will not be in control of the information (shared with the third party website/application or data generated based on your usage on that website/application) and OnePlay’s privacy policy will not be applicable for any such use, access etc. Any processing, use, sharing of Information provided by you to such third party website/application shall be as per the respective privacy policy of such applications and websites. The customer shall solely be liable to read and provide consent to the third party’s privacy policy before requesting OnePlay to share the information.

5.1.4 Government or judicial process: We may share your Personal Information with the government / government authorities or agencies and legal or judicial authorities for any investigation or to comply with legal process or in response to a request by any of these authorities or to enforce applicable terms and conditions or to protect our, our users and Partners rights, privacy, safety or property.

5.1.5 Legal Reasons: The information provided by you may at times be shared with other entities and affiliates to help in detecting and preventing identity theft, frauds and other illegal activities; correlate or map related accounts to prevent misuse of our products & services and to provide you with the optimum and smooth experience you have signed up for.

5.1.6 Protection of OnePlay: To protect your rights and/or those of our Partners, and to allow OnePlay to pursue available remedies, or limit the damages that it may sustain in case of unauthorized use / misuse of our products or the content thereon, by third parties.

5.2 OnePlay may enter into agreement with third parties to collect, store, process your information or data but under full compliance with applicable laws. These third parties may have their own security standards to safeguard your information or data and we always require such third parties to adopt reasonable security standards to safeguard your information / data on a commercially reasonable basis.

5.3 OnePlay has taken appropriate steps for the security and protection of all our digital platforms including internal applications, however, we do not take any responsibility for any breach of security or the disclosure of Personal Information for reasons outside our control, such as hacking, social engineering, cyber terrorism, espionage by third parties, or any events by way of force majeure such as sabotage, fire, flood, explosion, acts of God, civil commotion, strikes or industrial action of any kind, riots, insurrection, war, acts of government.


8.1 If You have any complaints or concerns with regards to content, or, to report any abuse of applicable laws, breach of Terms of this Application, or, if any content of this Application is in violation of your rights, or the Application is in violation of the Information Technology Act, 2000 ('the IT Act'), and/or the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 ('the SPDI Rules'); then you may immediately contact the Grievance Officer in the following manner.

8.1.1 Sending a request in writing or through email signed with electronic signature identifying the content alleged to be in infringement of your rights as the rightful owner or affecting You prejudicially;

8.1.2 Providing your contact information including email, address, and telephone number where You can be contacted if required.

8.1.3 Giving a declaration cum undertaking along with necessary documents establishing You (i) as the rightful owner of the content to be disabled/ affecting you prejudicially, (ii) as an affected person, stating that the information submitted is true, complete & accurate and no material fact has been hidden, and also stating that OnePlay, its Affiliates, Directors, employees, including Grievance Officer shall not be liable for any loss or damage or claim for relying on such requests.

8.2 You may forward your request/ complaints to the Grievance Officer.

Name: Rajesh Jha

Contact : E-mail:

© OnePlay 2025. Play Any Game on Any Device with OnePlay. Upto Single Digit Latency and 4K 120 FPS on any possible device. Completely Decentralized and Open Source.

© 2025 RainBox Media Pvt Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: Steam©, Valve & Steam software are all property of the Valve Corporation.Steam & Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation. Origin©,Origin software are all the property of Electronic Arts Inc. Ubisoft©, Ubisoft Connect software are all the property of Ubisoft Entertainment SA. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.

OnePlay has a Grievance Officer to address your concerns regarding data safety, privacy, and other Platform usage concerns. You may contact the, Grievance Officer at any of the following:

Address: 14th Floor, Hindustan C, Bus Stop, 247 Park, Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Gandhi Nagar, Vikhroli West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400079


Note - Kindly send all user related grievances to the above mentioned email ID, in order for us to process and resolve the same in an expeditious manner